Transforming conflict in plantations throughmediation: Lessons and experiences from Sumatera, Indonesia

By : Ahmad Dhiaulhaq, David Gritten, Toon De Bruyn, Yurdi Yasmi, Ahmad Zazali, Mangarah Silalahi. The further expansion of plantations in Indonesia is expected to exacerbate existing and create newconflicts over land and forest resources which can have detrimental impacts on local communities, plantation companies and government. Mediation facilitated by a third-party is widely considered […]

Changing Conflict Into Equal Partnership

By: Ahmad Zazali, SH In expert analysis, conflict is assigned various meaning, some are of the opinion that conflict is a way to achieve objectives by weakening the opponent with complete disregard for existing norms and values (Hartini and Kartasapoetra, 1992). Conflict does not merely involve physical, material or worldly goods but is also related to respect/appreciation. The […]

Inisiatif penyelesaian konflik Sumber Daya Alam melalui Mediasi

Hasil study dan Monitoring konflik Sumber Daya Alam di Riau yang dilakukan Scale Up selama empat (4) tahun terakhir menunjukkan trend peningkatan frekwensi dan luasan lahan yang disengketakan di setiap tahunnya, dan sedikit mengalami penurunan pada tahun 2010. Berdasarkan laporan tahunan Scale Up tahun 2007 konflik sumber daya alam di Riau seluas 111.745 hektar, kemudian […]

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